It's so wonderful and rewarding to receive thankful notes and messages from people we have supported. Of course we want to share as much as possible with you all. Donations well spent, that makes everyone happy!
A portion of the roof of the men's house had to be replaced. Traveling Light was able to give a donation of 4,000 euros, a good start of the 20,000 euros needed to get the whole job done. It then took nearly a year before all municipal permits and paperwork were given. But finally.... this work is in progress. Maria Meier, who runs the community, writes:
"We want to thank you again very much, because thanks to your gift we can finally have our professional contractor Massimo D'Aquila start on the roof. We received the authorization of Comune di Montieri. Everyone is happy and we are moving forward. We are also pleased that three men are currently n in therapy. With Boris in charge, Casa Nuova is pretty full! "
During the work week we organized there last year (for the 3rd time) we removed old solar panels from one of the roofs. They are being replaced with new panels now as well.
We are thinking about organizing a work week again, from August 28 - September 4. If you want to join us, please let us know. These weeks are life changing!
PS: Gifts for our current project Bibles and cows are still welcome at St. Traveling Light, Papendrecht IBAN: NL91RABO0118582275 BIC: RABONL2U and don't forget to mention: COWS. We are close to the 4,000 euro mark.
Our next project will be the sponsoring of the summer camp in the Ukraine.