As we announced earlier, the next project we want to ask your attention for is the sponsoring of the summer camp in Ukraine which is being organized each year by Teen Challenge Ukraine and the Jewish Messianic congregation of Pastor Sergey Romanenko. They are expecting more than two hundred participants in Berdychiv this year.
And hooray, this year we (Jan and Marja) will go to the Ukraine and participate in the summer camp.
The camp will be organized for men and women who are (or have been) in drugs- and alcohol rehabilitation centers all over Ukraine. But also volunteers, workers, leaders, pastors, church members, children and family members are welcome. A mid week camping out, playing games, laughing, Bible study, music, food and friendship.
The camp will be held from July 3-7, 2017 and it costs about 25 euro per person to participate. Many people do not have the financial means to pay for this camp. Due to the war and financial crisis monthly income has dropped below 200 euro. Go figure...

If you have it on your heart to help, please send 25 euro (or a multiplication thereof) to St. Traveling Light, Papendrecht IBAN: NL91RABO0118582275 BIC: RABONL2U and make sure to mention: SUMMER CAMP UKRAINE.
Sponsoring the summer camp is a very direct and practical way to support believers in Ukraine from where you are!
Photo's: Victoria Moore
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