Saturday, January 4, 2025

Visit to Teen Challenge, Albania

First of all, we would like to wish you all a blessed 2025!

An update on the Christmas package campaigns will be coming up, but first this...

At the end of November, we (Jan and Marja) were in Albania, where we participated in the Europe Teen Challenge leadership conference in Dürres.

Several people from Global Teen Challenge were present as were directors of Teen Challenge rehab programs and centers from more than twenty European countries. Orges & Blerina Hysenaj, the directors of TC Albania, provided a great welcome and a blessed stay.

During such a conference, updates are given about the various rehabilitation centers. There is room to pray with and for each other, to meet each other, and several seminars were given about the challenges of this time and age. [Click on the photos to enlarge]

Think of other/new types of addictions such as vaping and gaming, additional problems such as self-mutilation (cutting) and trafficking, and the fact that the age at which addiction occurs is getting younger.

We have talked with everyone as much as possible 😀 and we also visited the Christian rehab center STREHA near Tirana with the entire group. A fairly small farmhouse where 14(!) men are currently staying, don't ask us how.

It is great to hear and see how lives are completely changed and how the parents and family members are also affected by this. They often have a Muslim background and now see with their own eyes that Jesus is truly the Healer and Savior!

Every month Gesi & Blerina organize a meeting with the parents and families. They share the Gospel, pray and worship together. They cry together, lift each other up, and remind each other that Jesus is alive and able to change the lives of their sons, husbands, and brothers – and their own lives too because they need Jesus as well.

Because the house is now far too small to accommodate everyone who comes for help, a piece of land was purchased last year where a new rehab center will be built in the near future! But that will take some time (and quite some funds). We will keep you informed.

Among the men currently staying in Streha, there is a lot of creative talent. They paint pieces of wood and put scriptures on them. We all received such a work of art.

We want to continue to support the work of Teen Challenge Albania in order to change the city and its surroundings, 'one person at a time' so to speak. Will you help?

You can send a donation in different ways:

💛Send your financial gift to St. Traveling Light, Papendrecht IBAN: NL91RABO0118582275 BIC: RABONL2U and make sure to mention TC ALBANIA.

💳 Give by card

👉You can also donate directly via our website!

🔔When in the USA, make your tax-deductible gift payable to EEO Inc. Make sure to mention TC ALBANIA