Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Project kitchen Teen Challenge Berdychiv, Ukraine

New addition TC men's home
We regularly write about the fantastic work of Teen Challenge among the homeless and addicted in Berdychiv, Ukraine. As a matter of fact, we always write about Berdychiv (a city about 200 km west of Kiev), but actually the men's and women's homes are in the town of Raygorodok.

Last year we visited (read here) and we could see with our own eyes how beautiful the expansion of the men's home has become, a project that Traveling Light has sponsored.

Front TC men's home
The home offers a safe place for men with addiction and other life-threatening problems. They live and work there for about a year before returning to society. The rehabilitation homes are connected to the Jewish Messianic congregation in Berdychiv.

The first photo shows the new addition that was built next to the dormitory and which is being used as a classroom, chapel and meeting room. In the overview photo of the men's house that new space is located on the right. On the left you see a small white walled extension, that is the kitchen and the old bathroom.

Current kitchen
Director Sergey Romanenko told us last year of the plans to thoroughly renovate that kitchen space. The shower room is now in the new part, so there is room to expand the kitchen. A project much needed when you consider that there are around 10 to 12 men living in the center.

He recently emailed us asking if we want to help with an initial amount so that they can purchase building materials. Winter is over and the men are eager to start a new building project and to roll up their sleeves 😀

Sergey & Irina Romanenko
Many of them have a background and skills in construction work. A building project on site is a great part of the practical program and a healthy addition to the Bible studies and group lessons they follow.

Do you want to help them with a gift for the renovation of the kitchen?

If so, then please send your gift to IBAN: NL91RABO0118582275 BIC: RABONL2U St. Traveling Light in Papendrecht and make sure to mention BERDYCHIV.

👉When in the USA you can make your tax-deductible gift payable to EEO Inc. Make sure to mention: TC Ukraine, Berdychiv.

PS: In July we (Jan and Marja) we will visit them again!