Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Project industrial workshop CIC Mission, Georgia

New shed at the farm
Our Weissensee fundraiser is in full swing, the pledges are coming in fast. You can still participate!

So, we have some time to share a new project.

Early last year we visited the Bible school and farm of CICMission (check out the website!) in Georgia. We then helped them with fundraising for the growing, harvesting and packaging of garlic. A practical project that literally yielded a great harvest.

Welding works
The Bible school is full with (new) believers from countries like Iran and Azerbaijan and there are already plans to build a new dormitory. We have an open invitation to come and teach some lessons in the school ...

The farm offers employment for the students and the people in the area and generates some income to run the school. Everyone is working hard and the villagers are seeing that too!

Reza N. (founder of CIC Mission) recently emailed us with a request for financial support for the construction of an industrial workshop at the farm.

A shop where students can learn to weld and do ironwork and repairs. The villagers could join for some technical lessons as well. A nice way to generate income and to grow goodwill in the village.

Harvesting time at the farm
The motto of CICMission fits perfectly with that of Traveling Light: Go, and make disciples of all nations.

We are grateful to see the beautiful work that is being done in that region by a group of passionate people with a 💗 for their land and village.

You can (indirectly) help to fulfill the great commission in that area by supporting this practical 'project workshop'. You can send your gift to IBAN: NL91RABO0118582275 BIC: RABONL2U St. Traveling Light in Papendrecht. Make sure to mention CIC MISSION.