Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Great ending of 2019

Alexander (right) hands out the packages
At the end of yet another year, we are looking back with gratitude. We have been able to support many projects thanks to your donations. Of course, our 2019 annual report will contain a (financial) overview of all these projects. We'll let you know when it comes out.

We received a newsletter and photos from port evangelist Alexander Eberson. The sailors were super happy with the Christmas packages. 💙Thank you all!

The proceeds of our shop Twinkeltje over December were 1,100 euro. We hereby want to give a big thank you to Chantal de Jong who gave workshops in atelier café De Schor, the proceeds of which went to Traveling Light. The entire amount went to the youth coffee house in Raygorodok, Ukraine.

We were also able to donate 3,000 euro for the Christmas packages for Iranian children in refugee camps in Turkey. That donation went through 222 Ministries and Pearl of Persia.

For now, we want to wish you all the best for 2020. Keep an eye on this blog, because at the beginning of January we will announce the project for the Weissensee fundraiser 2020.