We have written several times on our blog about the work of CIC Mission in Georgia.
Their training center, a Bible school and vocational school in one, is full of (new) believers from (especially) Iran and Azerbaijan. Work is currently underway to expand the facilities, including a women's dorm.
The CIC Mission farm offers employment to students and people from the village and provides partial income to run the school. A lot of work is being done and people in the area have noticed! See also our message about the farm that we wrote last year.

Reza and Tamarika Nadirashvili live near the center with their daughter Sara Elizabeth. We got to know Reza (founder of CIC Mission) and his family years ago, during a visit to Georgia.
Funds are currently being collected for the expansion of the school (and in particular for the women's dormitory). A certain amount is needed for the construction of the dormitory and another amount for the furnishing (beds, tables, chairs), washing machine, lighting, and heating. We have received a specified list, but we assume that you all understand it costs to build.
A few years ago we sent a donation for the construction of a cow shed and the purchase of good dairy cows from the Netherlands. It is about time we will go there and say hi 😀
The vision of CIC Mission is equal to the one we have at Traveling Light: Go, and make disciples of all nations. It is their desire to see to it that every Iranian and Persian person has heard about the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to finish the task of the Great Commission among these people groups.
You can (indirectly) help to disciple the nations by sending a gift to St. Traveling Light, Papendrecht IBAN: NL91RABO0118582275 BIC: RABONL2U, make sure to mention WOMEN's DORM.
USA supporters: CIC Mission is considered an approved 501c3 by the US government, so tax-deductible receipts can be provided.
USA supporters: CIC Mission is considered an approved 501c3 by the US government, so tax-deductible receipts can be provided.