The money we sent was intended for the purchase of dairy cows, the renovation of an existing cowshed, and the purchase of a small milking machine, dairy refrigerator, and a machine for producing milk products. 👉 A few weeks ago we received photos and a report.
All the necessary machinery and a small generator have been acquired and at the moment they produce 800 liters of milk every month. A little less than half of that is being used to make sour cream and cottage cheese, which they sell to generate some income.
The other half is for personal use, of course. Just think about how much they will need to feed between 10 and 15 men every day.
It is great to read how the center is moving towards partial self-sufficiency. Taking care of the cows and making and selling the products are also part of the daily chores.
Please, pray for Belarus. For stability, peace, tranquility, and freedom to continue to do this Christian work.
By the way, another project in Belarus will be up on this blog soon. GIFTS (large and small) for all our projects are always welcome and can be directed at St. Traveling Light in Papendrecht, IBAN: NL91RABO0118582275 BIC: RABONL2U.